ion Immobilienhandels AG
Registered office of the company:
Commercial Register: Cologne Local Court HRB 82072
CEO: Dipl. Betriebswirt Jürgen Blume (Dipl. Oec.)
Chairwoman of the supervisory board: Dagmar Rasquing
Place of business and administration:
Houdainer Str. 66 c
D-51143 Cologne
phone: +49 (0) 22 03 36 80 13
fax: +49 (0) 22 03 36 80 14
Responsible for the content: ion Immobilienhandels AG
Our partner company in Spain (Mallorca):
Mallorca Wine & Hotel Resort S.L.
Calle Pius XII 17 Planta2, Puerta D
ES-07500 Manacor (Mallorca/ Spain)
NIF Definitivo B57934945
Managing Director: Dipl. Betriebswirt Jürgen Blume (Dipl. Oec.)
(located at the offices of ion AG, Cologne, Germany)